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Pantone Color 2021: Ultimate Gray And Illuminating

Pantone Color 2021 : Ultimate Gray And Illuminating

Pantone Color 2021: Ultimate Gray And Illuminating

Pantone Color 2021 is a marriage of two different colors conveying a message of strength and hopefulness that is both enduring. So Pantone Color Institute reveals the Ultimate Gray and Illuminating as the colors of the upcoming year.

Every year, mostly at the beginning of December, against all the previews, Pantone Color Institute surprises all the design and fashion industry by launching the color of the year. We used to say against all the previews because usually, no one is waiting for what is coming. Behind the reveal, there is a lot of thoughtful consideration. It’s a culmination of a team’s work to help not only to inform the selection but also all the colors that go into trend forecasting.

And the Pantone Color 2021 was no different. People were talking about olive green, lavender, orange tiger, emerald green… However, no one could predict the upcoming colors.

Pantone Color 2021 : Ultimate Gray And Illuminating

Pantone Color 2021
Ultimate Gray And Illuminating

In a year that people are looking for peace and hope, a message of hopefulness to people’s lives through color is the real meaning behind 2021’s dual selection.
This isn’t the first time that Pantone has selected two shades as its “colors of the year”.
Why launching one color, when they can launch two shades to inspire people? 

So the Pantone of 2021 comes in two independent colors, Ultimate Gray and Illuminating.

ultimate gray and illuminating scaled

“Illuminating is a bright and cheerful yellow sparkling with vivacity, a warming yellow shade imbued with solar power. Ultimate Gray is emblematic of solid and dependable elements which are everlasting and provide a firm foundation.”



Taking over the ultimate grey and illuminating, luxury fashion brands such as Prada, Gucci, Jacquemus, Balmain, and Givenchy on their Spring/Summer 2021 collections make use of the year’s Pantone colors.

ultimate gray and illuminating prada


Better than dress those hopeful colors it’s used in our home décor. Below you would find some of our newest playful products.

Mon Ooh Sideboard Illuminating Pantone
Charisse Stool Pantone 2021

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What’s your opinion about the Pantone of the year? Do you fall in love with Illuminating? And Ultimate Gray as we did?  So let us know! On the whole, stay tuned to our blog if you want to keep being inspired by design trends and décor ideas.

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