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Art-Inspired Furniture for Stunning Interior Designs

Art-inspired Furniture

Art-Inspired Furniture for Stunning Interior Designs

Despite the art and furniture design are still in different categories. Art-inspired furniture is in the market for a long time, since furniture designers and artisans of all types around the world started to explore art as a source of inspiration for the production of their furniture. So they are developing their work in order to unite the arts and product design to one.

Art Inspired Furniture
Art Inspired Furniture
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Kazimir Malevich- he Kazimir Pendant, by Seattle’s Ladies & Gentlemen Studio

The Art-inspired Furniture

The art-inspired furniture and accessories generally are created in distinct shapes and curves worthy of sculptures and which minimize the distinction between these two disciplines.

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Art-inspired Furniture
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Sonia Delaunay- The Sonia et Cætera table by Shanghai-based Maison Dada

Creating art-inspired furniture is synonymous of creating pieces that make you feel that there is more than you can see. Where the shapes, colors and curves of a single art-inspired furniture can arouse emotions and convey feelings, in addition to it’s functionality, beauty and elegance.

Art-inspired Furniture
Art-inspired furniture
Art-inspired Furniture

Piet Mondrian- Frank Kerdil’s Mondri vase

Art-inspired furniture is often the pieces that stand out by themselves in the decoration composition. And when presented in well-crafted interiors, they can stand out even more.

Art-inspired Furniture
Ecole E Afrodite – Driade
Art-inspired furniture
Art-inspired Furniture
Mon Ooh Sideboard- Malabar Artistic Furniture

Resuming art-inspired furniture for modern interior design are pieces that double the barrier between art and design, with the best of both parts.

Art-inspired Furniture
Vigint XX Armchair – Malabar Artistic Furniture
Art-inspired Furniture
Art-inspired Furniture
Galatea Armchair – Malabar Artistic Furniture

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